Developer Guide


Table of Contents




  1. Fork this repo and clone it into your computer.
  2. Run Intellij as your IDE (Highly Recommended).
  3. Configure the JDK to JDK 11.
  4. Make sure you have added the following plugins, if disable please re-enable it back by going to File>Settings>Plugins. Main Sequence Diagram
  5. Import the project as a Gradle project by selecting build.gradle.
  6. Verify the setup: Run the nusfoodreviews and test a few commands.
  7. Run the gradle Checks and Tests to ensure they all pass.



NusFoodReviews is an application that is built using Java. It has cross-platform ability and is able to run on MAC-OS, Windows and Linux. When run, NusFoodReviews allows user to view selected canteens, stores with their menus, reviews and ratings. In addition, user is able to leave reviews and ratings to the stores. On the other hand the user can choose to run as admin, and the password is Password. When run as admin the user is able to add or remove canteens, stores, menu and reviews. These admin functions allows the app to be moderated and maintained by the person in charge.


architecture diagram

The Architecture Diagram shown above explains the high-level design of NusFoodReviews Application. The following is a brief overview of each component.

Main is responsible for,

Resources contains the bundled resource(database file) of the application. When user run the application for the first time, it will read from this resource and copy it to the local machine. Return user will not need to read from this resource anymore.

Commons represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components.

The rest of the App consists of four components.


Model Class Diagram


Model Class Diagram


Storage Class Diagram

The Storage component,


This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.

There are 2 types of user :


Main Sequence Diagram

When the application is launched, an Ui object and Parser object is instantiated. To instantiate the Parser object, the main NusFoodReviews and Ui object is passed.

Public User

For public users, the list of commands is shown below:

Display Menu

DisplayMenus Sequence Diagram

To display menus, DisplayMenusCommand.execute() is called, passing in an ArrayList of canteens and the Ui object instantiated in NusFoodReviews.

When DisplayMenusCommand was first instantiated, the relevant Store object was passed into the constructor. DisplayMenusCommand.execute() will then call getMenus() on the store object to get an ArrayList of menus, before passing the ArrayList to the ui object to be displayed by calling Ui#showDisplayMenu().

Display Reviews

ReadReviews Sequence Diagram

To read reviews, ReadReviewsCommand.execute() is called passing in an ArrayList of canteens and the Ui object instantiated in nusFoodReviews.

When ReadReviewsCommand was first instantiated, the relevant Store object was passed into the constructor. ReadReviewsCommand.execute() will then call getReviews() on the store object to get an ArrayList of reviews, then calling getAverageRating() to get the average rating of the store. After that, getStoreName() is also called to get the store name of the store. These parameters are then passed to the ui object to be displayed by calling ui.showReviews()

Add Reviews

AddReviews Sequence Diagram

To add reviews, AddReviewCommand.execute() is called passing in an ArrayList of canteens and the Ui object instantiated in nusFoodReviews.

AddReviewCommand.execute() will then call getReviewFromUser(ui) to get the description and rating. Next, it will then create a new review object and add it into Store by calling store.addReview(Review). Lastly, it will call saveReview((filepath,true),canteen,store,description,rating,dateTime) by instantiating the class WriteToFile to save the new review into the text file database.


Home Sequence Diagram

To reset the store and canteen index in nusFoodReviews, HomeCommand#execute() is called, passing in an ArrayList of canteens, and the ui object instantiated in NusFoodReviews.

When HomeCommand is first called, we pass the main NusFoodReviews object to the constructor. This allows the Command to interact with the main object when execute is called.


DisplayStore Sequence Diagram

To see the list of stores in a canteen, DisplayStoreCommand.execute() is called passing in an ArrayList of canteens and the Ui object instantiated in nusFoodReviews.

First thing, if canteen size is 0 the command will be ended telling the user that there is no canteen no view. Next, if there are canteens available then user will choose one of the canteen by calling NusFoodReviews.setCanteenIndex. After choosing it will call nusFoodReviews.getCanteenIndex() to get the canteen’s index to view its stores. If canteen’s index is -1, it means that user input is cancel and it will return from that function. Lastly, ui.showDisplayStores(canteens.get(currentCanteenIndex)) will be called to display the list of stores in the chosen canteen.

Help Command


Help command is used to showcase the user all the available commands and respective descriptions about what the commands are all about. HelpCommand#execute is called, passing in an ArrayList of canteens, and the ui object instantiated in NusFoodReviews.

To reset the store and canteen index in nusFoodReviews, HomeCommand#execute() is called, passing in an ArrayList of canteens, and the ui object instantiated in NusFoodReviews.

Admin User

For an admin user, the list of commands is shown below:

Run as admin

Admin Sequence Diagram

Once admin is verified in NusFoodReviews, The program will start asking for inputs and Parser#parseAdminCommand() will be taking in these input and create commands object for admin user to execute.

View Canteens

DisplayCanteens Sequence Diagram

To see the list of canteens, DisplayCanteensCommand.execute() is called passing in an ArrayList of canteens and the Ui object instantiated in nusFoodReviews.

It will then call ui.ShowDisplayCanteens(canteens) by passing over the arraylist of canteens.

Add Canteen

AddCanteen Sequence Diagram

To add a canteen, AddCanteenCommand#execute() is called, passing in an ArrayList of canteens and the Ui object instantiated in NusFoodReviews.

Ui#showAddCanteen() is called to display the add canteen prompt. The program will then wait for user input, looping continuously if a valid Canteen name is not entered. Invalid names include: existing canteen names. If the user inputs ‘cancel’, the loop is exited and the program returns from AddCanteenCommand.

Once a valid CanteenName is entered, a new Canteen object is instantiated and added to the ArrayList of canteens. Ui#showAddCanteenSuccess() is then called to display canteen added confirmation.

Additionally, the static method WriteToFile#saveCanteen() is called to update the canteen in storage.

Add Store

AddCanteen Sequence Diagram

To add a store, AddStoreCommand#execute() is called, passing in an ArrayList of canteens and the Ui object instantiated in NusFoodReviews.

A new Store object is then instantiated, and added to the Canteen’s ArrayList of stores. Ui#printStoreAdded() is called to display store added confirmation.

Add Menu

AddMenu Sequence Diagram To add a menu to a store, AddMenuCommand#execute() is called, passing in an ArrayList of canteens and the Ui object instantiated in NusFoodReviews. This is the longest diagram amongst all the others because menu is the deepest element. Canteen -> Store -> Menu. To add a canteen, AddCanteenCommand#execute() is called, passing in an ArrayList of canteens and the Ui object instantiated in NusFoodReviews. First, it will check if there are canteens available. Next, it will check if there are stores in the canteen. Then if both are checked and valid it will ask user to choose a canteen and store. Then it will ask user to input menu description and price. It will again check if the price entered is number. If all is passed it will then add this menu to the store. Lastly it will then append to the data text file. In between it will check if user enters cancel. If yes, it will terminate the command.

Delete Canteen

DeleteCanteen Sequence Diagram

To delete a canteen, DeleteCanteenCommand#execute() is called, passing in an ArrayList of canteens and the Ui object instantiated in NusFoodReviews.

The program first checks if the ArrayList of canteens has more than 0 canteens. If there are, the program will continue with the canteen deletion process. If there are no canteens yet, a short message is printed and the program returns from DeleteCanteenCommand.

The remaining canteen deletion process is as follows: Ui#showDisplaySelectCanteens() is first called to display canteens for the user to select. The program waits for user input withUi#readCommand(). If the input is ‘cancel’, Ui#showCanteenNotDeleted() is called and the program returns from DeleteCanteenCommand. Otherwise, Parser#parseInt() is called to check if the user input is a valid index of the canteens array. The canteen is then removed from the canteens ArrayList, and Ui#showCanteenDeleted() is called to display the canteen deleted message. The static method UpdateFile#deleteAndUpdateFile() is also called to update the storage.

Delete Stores


To delete a store, DeleteStoreCommand#execute() is called, passing in an ArrayList of canteens and the Ui object instantiated in NusFoodReviews.

The program first checks if the ArrayList of canteens has more than 0 canteens. If there are, the program will continue with the store deletion process. If there are no canteens yet, a short message is printed and the program returns from DeleteStoreCommand.

When DeleteStoreCommand is instantiated, the reference to the main program nusFoodReviews and the parser is passed. NusFoodReviews#setCanteenIndex() will first be called to prompt the user on which canteen they wish to look at. The result for this is saved as a private int in NusFoodReviews, and can be accessed by calling NusFoodReviews#getCanteenIndex().

The remaining store deletion process is as follows: canteens.get(currentCanteenIndex) is first called to get the Canteen that the user chose and currentCanteen is returned. Then, Ui#showDisplaySelectStores(currentCanteen) is called to display a list of stores for the user to select. The program waits for user input withUi#readCommand(). If the input is ‘cancel’, Ui#showStoreNotDeleted() is called and the program returns from DeleteStoreCommand. Otherwise, Parser#parseInt() is called to check if the user input is a valid index of the store. Then, currentCanteen.getStore(currentCanteenIndex) is called to get the store the user chose and store.getStoreName() is called to get the store name. The store is then removed with currentCanteen.deleteStore(storeIndex), and Ui#showDeleteStore(storeName) is called to display the message that the store was deleted. The static method UpdateFile#deleteAndUpdateFile() is also called to update the storage.

Delete Reviews


To delete a store, DeleteReviewCommand#execute() is called, passing in an ArrayList of canteens and the Ui object instantiated in NusFoodReviews.

The program first checks if the ArrayList of canteens has more than 0 canteens. If there are, the program will continue with the store deletion process. If there are no canteens yet, a short message is printed and the program returns from DeleteReviewCommand.

When DeleteReviewCommand is instantiated, the reference to the main program nusFoodReviews and the parser is passed. NusFoodReviews#setCanteenIndex() will first be called to prompt the user on which canteen they wish to look at. The result for this is saved as a private int in NusFoodReviews, and can be accessed by calling NusFoodReviews#getCanteenIndex().

NusFoodReviews#setStoreIndex() will then be called to prompt the user on which store they wish to look at. The result for this is saved as a private int in NusFoodReviews, and can be accessed by calling NusFoodReviews#getStoreIndex().

The remaining review deletion process is as follows: canteens.get(currentCanteenIndex) is first called to get the Canteen that the user chose and currentCanteen is returned. Then, currentCanteen.getStore(currentCanteenIndex) is called to get the store the user chose and Store#getReviews() returns the ArrayList of reviews. To get the averageRating, Store#getAverageRating() is called. If reviews size is <=0, an error message would be printed and the program returns from DeleteReviewCommand'. store.getStoreName() is called to get the store name and Ui#showReviews(storeName,reviews,averageRating) is called to display a list of reviews to delete. Then Ui#showDeleteReview() is called to ask user to input index of review to delete. The program waits for user input withUi#readCommand(). If the input is ‘cancel’, Ui#showStoreNotDeleted() is called and the program returns from DeleteStoreCommand. Otherwise, Parser#parseInt() is called to check if the user input is a valid index of the store. The store is then removed with Store#deleteReview(reviewIndex), and Ui#reviewDeleted() is called to display the message that the review was deleted. The static method UpdateFile#deleteAndUpdateFile() is also called to update the storage.

Delete Menu

DeleteMenu Sequence Diagram To delete a menu, DeleteMenuCommand#execute() is called, passing in an ArrayList of canteens and the Ui object instantiated in NusFoodReviews. It will first check if there is at least 1 canteen. Next it will ask user to choose a canteen then a store. It will again check if the chosen canteen has at least 1 store. Next, it will ask user to choose 1 of the menu inside the store to be deleted. If the store has no menu then it will tell the user that no menu is avail for deletion. In between user can input cancel to end the command. Lastly when menu is succesfully deleted then
it will update the database text file.

Product scope

Target user profile

The target user would be NUS students/staffs who wish to get updated reviews about the food places in NUS.

Value proposition

By consolidating food reviews from NUS canteens from students/staffs, it aims to allow new students/staffs to have a better experience at these food stores.

User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 user see list of stores to find good food
v1.0 user read reviews decide on where to eat
v1.0 user view menu and price of items know the type of food sold
v1.0 user add reviews and rating provide feedback on store
v1.0 admin login verify myself
v2.0 admin add a new canteen manage the app
v2.0 admin add a new menu manage the app
v2.0 admin delete an existing menu manage the app
v2.0 admin delete an existing canteen manage the app
v2.0 admin add timestamp to reviews know the date and time of the review
v2.0 admin add help command to let user know the availability of commands.
v2.0 admin delete a store update availability of stores
v2.0 admin delete a review restrict inappropriate reviews
v2.0 developer Bundle Resource Allow users to have a set of database upon download of application

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. This application should work on any OS as long as it has Java 11 installed.

  2. Should be able to hold up to 1000 stores with their menus and and reviews without much lagging.

  3. A user with average typing speed for regular English text should be able to navigate around this application easily.

  4. Admin functions is included to optimize the maintainability of the application. They should be able to amend the canteens,stores,menus and reviews easily with the guided UI.


Instructions for Manual Testing

Manual testing

:information_source: Note: These instructions only provide a starting point for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing.

Launch and shutdown

  1. Initial launch

    1. Download the jar file and copy into an empty folder

    2. Type java -jar nusfoodreviews.jar

To toggle between two modes

  1. Login Prerequisites: User must be in a selected store
    1. Test case: login
      Expected: Brings user back to login page to select as admin or public user
    2. Test case: login 2
      Expected: The user is not brought to login page and an error message tells user to select either 1 or 2 to determine the type of user
    3. Test case: login <>
      Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters

      Public User mode

      Prerequisites: User must have selected 1 as public user

  2. Choose canteens
    Prerequisites: Selects a canteen when public user is chosen
    1. Test case: 1
      Expected: Brings user to different stores in the canteen selected
    2. Test case: -1
      Expected: The user is not brought to the next page as stated above but an error message is printed to ask user to enter valid index
    3. Other incorrect commands to try: 0, 10,
      Expected: Similar to previous
    4. Other incorrect commands to try: %, ^,
      Expected: The user is not brought to the next page as stated above but an error message is printed to ask user to enter valid integer index from the list
    5. Test case: <.
      Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters
  3. View list of stores Prerequisites: List all stores using the list command. Multiple stores in the list.
    1. Test case: 1
      Expected: Brings user to the selected store and user can choose the command to execute.
    2. Test case: -1
      Expected: The user is not brought to the next page as stated above but an error message is printed to ask user to enter valid index from the list
    3. Other incorrect commands to try: 0,17
      Expected: Similar to previous
    4. Other incorrect commands to try: ^, ,
      Expected: The user is not brought to the next page as stated above but an error message is printed to ask user to enter valid integer index from the list
    5. Test case: <.
      Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters
  4. View menu Prerequisites: Selects a store from the list of stores.
    1. Test case: menu
      Expected: Brings user to view the menu of the store.
    2. Test case: menu 2
      Expected: The user is not brought to the next page as stated above but an error message is printed to ask user to enter a valid command
    3. Other incorrect commands to try: menu 17, menu ^,!
      Expected: Similar to previous
    4. Test case: menu <>
      Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters
  5. View reviews Prerequisites: Selects a store from the list of stores.
    1. Test case: reviews
      Expected: Brings user to view the reviews of the store.
    2. Test case: review
      Expected: The user is not brought to the next page as stated above but an error message is printed to ask user to enter a valid command
    3. Other incorrect commands to try: reviews 17, reviews ^,!
      Expected: Similar to previous
    4. Test case: reviews <>
      Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters
  6. Add reviews Prerequisites: Selects a store from the list of stores.
    1. Test case: add
      Expected: Brings user to input their review When prompted about rating:
      1. Test case:5 Expected: Review is added successfully
    2. Test case: add
      Expected: Brings user to input their review When prompted about rating:
      1. Test case:0 Expected: Review is not added successfully and an error message is shown to ask user to enter valid rating
    3. Test case: add 4
      Expected: The user is not brought to the next page as stated above but an error message is printed to ask user to enter a valid command
    4. Other incorrect commands to try: add 17, add ^,!
      Expected: Similar to previous
    5. Test case: add <>
      Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters
  7. Exit Prerequisites: User must be in a selected store
    1. Test case: exit
      Expected: Exits the application
    2. Test case:exit 5 Expected: The user cannot exit the application as stated above but an error message is printed to ask user to enter a valid command
    3. Other incorrect commands to try: exit 17, exit ^,!
      Expected: Similar to previous
    4. Test case: exit <>
      Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters

Admin mode

  1. Enter Password for verification Prerequisites: User must have selected 2 for admin mode
    1. Test case: Password
      Expected: The application prints that admin has been successfully verified and brings admin to a list of tasks
    2. Test case:password Expected: The user cannot enter the application as stated above but an error message is printed to ask user to re-enter password
    3. Other incorrect commands to try: password 17, password ^,!
      Expected: Similar to previous
    4. Test case: password <>
      Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters
  2. View Canteens Prerequisites: User must have entered the correct password
    1. Test case: 1
      Expected: Displays the list of canteens
    2. Test case:10 Expected: The user cannot view the lists of canteens and an error message is printed to ask users to enter valid index
    3. Other incorrect commands to try: hello, exit ^,!
      Expected: Similar to previous
    4. Test case: hello <>
      Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters
  3. Add Canteen Prerequisites: User must have entered the correct password
    1. Test case: 2
      Expected: Prompts the user to enter canteen to be added
    2. Test case:10 Expected: The user cannot add canteen and an error message is printed to ask users to enter valid index
    3. Other incorrect commands to try: hello, exit ^,!
      Expected: Similar to previous
    4. Test case: hello <>
      Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters
  4. Add Store
    1. Test case: 3
      Expected: Prompts the user to add a store in one of the canteens If selected canteen is within index, name of store would be prompted Else, an error message would be printed to ask user to enter a valid index in the range of canteens.
    2. Test case:10 Expected: The user cannot add store and an error message is printed to ask users to enter valid index
    3. Other incorrect commands to try: hello, exit ^,!
      Expected: Similar to previous
    4. Test case: hello <>
      Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters
  5. Add Menu
    1. Test case: 4
      Expected: Prompts the user to add a menu in one of the stores in one of the canteens If selected canteen is within index, store name would be prompted Else, an error message is printed to ask user to enter a valid index in the range of canteens. If selected store is within index, menu could be added. Else, an error message is printed to ask user to enter a valid index in the range of stores.
    2. Test case:10 Expected: The user cannot add menu and an error message is printed to ask users to enter valid index
    3. Other incorrect commands to try: hello, exit ^,!
      Expected: Similar to previous
    4. Test case: hello <>
      Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters
  6. Delete Canteen
    1. Test case: 5
      Expected: Prompts the user to delete a canteen in one of the canteens If selected canteen is within index, canteen would be deleted Else, an error message is printed to ask user to enter a valid index in the range of canteens.
    2. Test case:10 Expected: The user cannot delete canteen and an error message is printed to ask users to enter valid index
    3. Other incorrect commands to try: hello, exit ^,!
      Expected: Similar to previous
    4. Test case: hello <>
      Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters
  7. Delete Store
    1. Test case: 6
      Expected: Prompts the user to delete a store in one of the canteens If selected canteen is within index, user would have to choose a store Else, an error message is printed to ask user to enter a valid index in the range of canteens. If selected store is within index, store would be deleted. Else, an error message is printed to ask user to enter a valid store index
    2. Test case:10 Expected: The user cannot delete stores and an error message is printed to ask users to enter valid index
    3. Other incorrect commands to try: hello, exit ^,!
      Expected: Similar to previous
    4. Test case: hello <>
      Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters
  8. Delete Review
    1. Test case: 7
      Expected: Prompts the user to delete a review in one of the canteens If selected canteen is within index, user would have to choose a store. Else, an error message is printed to ask user to enter a valid index in the range of canteens. If selected store is within index, the review number selected would be deleted Else, an error message is printed to ask user to enter a valid review index
    2. Test case:10 Expected: The user cannot delete reviews and an error message is printed to ask users to enter valid index
    3. Other incorrect commands to try: hello, exit ^,!
      Expected: Similar to previous
    4. Test case: hello <>
      Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters
  9. Delete Menu
    1. Test case: 8
      Expected: Prompts the user to delete a menu in one of the canteens If selected canteen is within index, user would have to choose a store. Else, an error message is printed to ask user to enter a valid index in the range of canteens. If selected store is within index, the menu index selected would be deleted Else, an error message is printed to ask user to enter a valid review index
    2. Test case:10 Expected: The user cannot delete menu and an error message is printed to ask users to enter valid index
    3. Other incorrect commands to try: hello, exit ^,!
      Expected: Similar to previous
    4. Test case: hello <>
      Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters
  10. View Stores
    1. Test case: 9
      Expected: Prompts the user to view stores in one of the canteens If selected canteen is within index, user would have to choose a store. Else, an error message is printed to ask user to enter a valid index in the range of canteens. If selected store is within index, the stores are shown.
    2. Test case:10 Expected: The user cannot view stores and an error message is printed to ask users to enter valid index
    3. Other incorrect commands to try: hello, exit ^,!
      Expected: Similar to previous
    4. Test case: hello <>
      Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters
  11. Exit Application
  12. Test case: 0
    Expected: The user exits out of application
  13. Test case:10 Expected: The user cannot exit application and an error message is printed to ask users to enter valid index
  14. Other incorrect commands to try: hello, exit ^,!
    Expected: Similar to previous
  15. Test case: hello <>
    Expected: Input cannot contain Delimeters